The school is about Capatalism $$$. The Business Math department is ridiculous. Trial and error. Business Statistics class we are supposed to have statistical knowledge of Microsoft Excel- if not, we have to teach ourselves. Now administration decides they will make students take an assessment on Microsoft Excel before taking the class. THEY ALSO DO NOT ALLOW YOU TO TAKE PART TIME CLASSES. Business Statistics is kicking my behind but you do not have the option AT ALL to take classes part time. If the professor doesn’t want to teach, refers us to the tutor instead of taking time out to create PowerPoint slides to break down Excel AND Statistics, why can’t we have the option to take that class alone!? But no we have to SUFFER & juggle other classes, work and home duties? This is one of the worst CUNY experiences I’ve had in my entire LIFE of going to CUNY. I’ve been to Kingsborough, transferred and graduated from BMCC.
Financial aid and Bursar are ridiculous when entering scholarship checks into CUNY account. Your loans will pay for classes(if need be) before the scholarship that are supposed to pay for your classes are applied. They have been doing better with answering phones(now).
Some professors don’t teach(break down things in PowerPoint presentations), barely respond to emails & expect you to know everything. Most professors teach full time at other schools and teaches this online class as a side or second job. It’s horrible.
The school requires group assignments which is a hair pulling situation because you find yourself constantly harassing and being on top of everyone. No responses. If this is an online school (for the most part) WHY DO WE HAVE TO SUFFER WITH GROUP PROJECTS? Everyone has different schedules (hence why online classes were the preference). I received 3As and a B last semester- this is my second semester.
The good part is that they accept CLEP exams as credit and if you’re good at them, you can knock out 2 semesters without registering in a class.
I really hope this school changes the way they are, become more strict with professors because this type of neglect is horrible, a waste of money and time.