This company offers horrible customer service. They don't back their product to last longer than the first trip down the road after install.
My father purchased a transmission from this place. Before purchasing he informed them that it may be a month or so before it gets installed due to the weather in the winter months. Their exact words were, "we're pretty easy to get along with down here just as long as it isn't 6 months down the road",
there were 3 employees there that all witnessed this statement. So after driving 2.5 hours each way to pick up this transmission. Due to the cold, it went 2 months before being able to be installed. The first trip down the road the transmission started slipping after getting a ways out of town (180 miles that is). My father immediately called and spoke with the manager, to which he told my father "it wasn't installed in a timely manner". Again this is one of the same guys that said their easy to get along with.
So now, 5 hours worth of driving to pick up transmission and the costs that went into that, $675 for the transmission, cost to have installed, AND NOW a tow bill to take vehicle and faulty transmission to a repair shop. And cost of repairs. All because they're easy to get along with down there, yeah right!
So be careful people, once they have your money they don't care and they'll tell you what they have to to make the sale!