Reviews of High School For Creative & Performing Arts (School)

901 S Broad St, Philadelphia, PA 19147

Average Rating:


We have all the information of real people like you who use the products of High School For Creative & Performing Arts (School) near to the state of Delaware.

At the moment this business gets a rating of 4.6 over 5 and this score is based on 82 reviews.

As you can see the average score it has is practically the top, and it's based on a large number of opinions, so we can be pretty sure that the evaluation is quite faithful. If many people have bothered to give their feddback when they are satisfied, is that it works.

You know that we do not usually stop to give evaluations when they are positive and we usually do it only if we've had a problem or incidence...

This School belongs to the category of High school.

Where is High School For Creative & Performing Arts?

REVIEWS OF High School For Creative & Performing Arts IN Delaware

GWG Girl Playz

Stine Marie Kock Hollænder

Bob Albrecht Jr

Karim Kreidie

Devon cl

Onita bryant

Veronica Elizabeth


Love the school it's great

Notorious Kidd

Justin Joshua

I absolutely love this school. I am going next year for theater. I have been to three open houses and it’s absolutely amazing.

Cherita Williams

Awesome Ummi

Ron -

Davida Derry


P.A Prince

zacky wacky

Ty Ty

I would like to know when will you be having auditions i applied to the school for the 2016-2017 school year

M. R. S.

"No bullying and no foolishness! They have the best teachers for the Arts. The principal is relatable. Everyone is accepting so no one is alone or ostricized. Awesome atmosphere to be in as a student to learn and grow in so many ways." ITS

Allie G

Steffy Cross

Misael Fernando Castro Llano

Summer Tyme

Letica Mullins

It’s Justhay

I don't go to this school but I audition here for acting but I guess i wasnt good enough but that's besides the point. This is a great school it have good students , great teacher , and a great learning environment so on this note I recommend your child to go to C.A.P.A because it's a great opportunity I just only wish I could of got accepted

Chyna Mcdan



im going here next year please be good lol

Deneen Carroll-white

Trippie Glitch

I'm going to this school in September #Capa4 life❤️

alfredo white

My daughter mary has a passion for dance and every since she was seven she has wanted to go to CAPA I'm sure this will be a challenging and rewarding experience do your best and never give up from your father Alfredo

Shilynn Black

Alex Pena

They didn’t accept me because apparently I didn’t meet the criteria but yet I did everything they asked me to do and I even did extra stuff

Amaya Yarborough

I'm dying to get into this school!!!!

Dongyan Chen

Kenny Stith

MoonPie Productions

Beautiful School, lovely teachers, and awesome students


Brenda Baez

T,k,m Nieves

Bella Troilo

Aniyah Hodge

Lana. Favv

Jeniffer MoiwaKlah

do we all really have to wear uniforms

Raheen Bridges

I will be going there in 9th grade

Derek cool 1233

Brent Gray

Gracious White


This school is amazing! Nice atmosphere, nice principal, fun and energetic students, i cannot wait for september to go here in 9th grade.

Victoria Rowell

Clanaya Williams

can you please explain how to get into your school . ? I really want to go here


yea its ight

Joi Ross

It is such a great school they very supportive when it comes to freedom of expression.

Paul Davis

Angelica Elayna

Father Freya

I don't go to this school but I would loved to. I heard good things from here! My art teacher recommended this HS for my writing & acting. My best friend is on the waiting list and her art work is amazing! Don't be like me and have bad attendance if you want to come here, especially if this is your dream school. Work hard, play hard!

Yolanda Williams

Ali Saeed

Kayla Storey

Chase Conway16

Trinity Nieves

Sébastien JeanPois


First year and I'm in love with this place


omg does ninja go there. I wanna go to capa for music and writing and art savage :) . ill be in capa real soon, watch mhmhmhmhmhmhmhmh

Ashlee Marie

Zaire Johnson

I loved this school since I went to audition. Can’t wait to go to 9th this year!

Lamont Phillips

I love this school! The students are very respectful, diverse, friendly, and supportive for freedom of your expression of talent! I will be an incoming 11th grade transfer student as of September 2016!

Najah Mouzon


I'm not trying to sway you from going to this school because the students are very friendly and welcoming, but you have to eat, sleep, and breathe whatever you're applying for. If you don't absolutely love visual arts, singing, dancing, theater, creative writing, instrumental music, or MDTV then you probably shouldn't go to this school. You can't just like any of those things or have an interest for them, you have to have a strong passion for them. If you don't, you probably won't reach your full potential at this school. Maybe try Palumbo or another school that doesn't stress the arts so much.

Ashanti R.

Kevonna Walker

Alex Rivera

Prabhu Baskar

nice place


Zara Woods

Tahkir J

I want to go to this school

Nate Shannon

i love this school i might be the next rnb hip hop artist

Rith Sorn

Mary Stevens

Issa Girls

Leila Jones

I’m auditioning for this school this year and I really hope my art is great enough to get in! Ever since the Open House I knew this was the school for me! :) Edit: I got accepted! I cant wait to go here next year!

Taylor Brown

Capa is a great school. 'Nuff said.

kenya mosley

Kieth Sharp


High School For Creative & Performing Arts en Delaware
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