The worst people work here -- My dad had to be seen by an ophthalmologist for diabetic retinopathy. It was his poor fortune that he had Ambetter Insurance, but we knew that no one in Indianapolis who could perform retinal surgery or procedures was covered. Still, in hopes to get some care, my parents called Ambetter to schedule an appointment with a specialist who would be able to do the needed procedures. We told the Ambetter representative that we were going to have to be seen by a specialist. After explaining to the representative for several minutes, she still didn't understand and got this Eye care place on the phone. In a three-way call, my parents explained to both of the other parties that what my dad need was a retinal specialist, not an eye-care clinic. Even then, both of the other representative agreed that my dad would be seen in the clinic and a referral would be made if necessary. Think this was an acceptable compromise, and that with a referral, Ambetter would budge slightly to covering the cost of the out-of-network provider, my parents went for my dad's scheduled appointment. However, when they got there, after verifying something with Ambetter over the phone for 15+ minutes, the front desk person (the same one my parents talked to on the three-way call) said they do not do the procedures that my dad needs and that my dad can't be seen! My mom comfronted her, telling her that she lied when she was on the phone with ambetter, and that they should have told us before so we would have made the 15 mile long drive in the first place.
This sort of behavior is unacceptable. It's outrageous that these know-nothing phone representatives are making specialist appointments when they have no clue what they are doing. They are toying with people's health, and in some case, their lives. We have been very disappointed with Ambetter Insurance over the past 3 months that we've had them; but i'm furious at Community Eye Care for treating customers like this.
I hope their business fails because of this poor customer service and their idiot staff members.