TERRIBLE! The following is a VERY abbreviated version of entire screw up: Went there to finally get a new pair of glasses, after 9 yrs withwa pair IIgot out of a Goodwill eyeglass donation box! Was assigned a Dr. Mak. I was emphatic with her that I have a difficult prescription & that since I was in high school, in 1968/69, I've only had 2 pairs of glasses that I could actually see through. Told 'er that for years I've had to go to the Goodwill to find glasses that work for me, & I got the look of incredulity from her. Went through allathe tests with her and the prescription she gave me is USELESS, she used up all my eye benefit w/all the useless return visits, so that I can't go back until 2/2020 to try and get a decent pair of eyeglasses that work.. SHE'S INEPT, I can't see to drive to work at night, I just paid $200, out of pocket, to get a pair of GLASS lenses, just in case the plastic ones were distorting my vision, but the glass ones don't work either. WHAT A JOKE!! I went in for 1 more check up, 2 days ago, with a migraine, only to be told by the idiot receptionist that I hadn't upgraded my benefits and that I'd have to pay $125 if I wanted to see that INEPT DR. MAK! went home, call VSP, & they said it was because of all the useless return visits to her!! NOT because I dropped the ball, AND everyone else in the waiting room heard that RUDE man reprimanding me at the desk. This place is SO awful!!!