WOW! Where do I even start? First of all, the building itself is gorgeous. I love the infinity pool/reflection pool on the rooftop -- what a tranquil and impressive water feature! When you sit in front of it you can see the steam rising and if you sit close to the floor or on the floor, you can't see much else, so it feels like you're in another world.
For the past two summers, I've been lucky enough to be part of the video game making camp that is held there, and the facility for education is phenomenal. It's like having a whole city under one roof -- you have the water feature, a state of the art education room with wall dividers, outlets in the floor, and three separate drop down projection screens, and off from that room is a bamboo garden that is accessible if it is not too hot outside.
On the other side of the second floor from the education area is a five room art gallery, where a variety of Asian artists display their work. The exhibits change frequently, so there's always something new to see. There are also art exhibits on the first floor that change out every so often and highlight other artists, sometimes local artists' work.
The facility itself is very clean and neat, and the floors are made of limestone from the Jurassic period. There is also a fantastic auditorium with a great stage for various types of theatrical events. I have never been to one of the events there, but I want to go. It is just such a lovely place to think, visit, work and just be.