Over a period of 2 years, I had both acupuncture and massage therapy at this location. While not initially a fan of alternative medicine such as acupuncture, discussing it and experiencing it here changed my mind. It helped a lot with my sciatic nerves and lower back pain. Unfortunately it was not helpful with my Migraines and in fact the normal acupuncture treatments triggered a few before we stopped doing it for migraines all together but i am an outlier in that regard. For massage, my original therapist did not pay attention, used glass instruments that were charged and gave mediocre massages. I quite after 3-4 massages weekly discussing my needs after each session and simply not being happy with the results. Soon thereafter she was gone and the massage goddess arrived. She is the only therapist i have had that paid attention to the bodies feedback to determine if she was doing it right. She always gave the exact amount of pressure needed and never too much or too little. She had studied anatomy quite a bit and was always spot on with the muscles locations and where trigger areas were for stress and my muscle spams due to my disability. Overall, I did not see long term benefit due to the nature of my disabilities but I would recommend this place in particular to anyone in need of either massage therapy or acupuncture therapy. They also do some other classes which I never participated in but it is worth checking out as well.