Financial planning seems like one of those laborious, very grown-up things you should do but ultimately keep putting off doing. Thank heavens we found Brian.
As a household dependent on the incomes of two freelance creatives, our financial planning requires thinking through frequent fluctuations in income, self-managed retirement and health care planning and more. It had become a source of continual stress and not much action.
It is because of Brian that we don’t get into tiffs about money. It is because of Brian that we now have smart systems in place that make the day-to-day and future seem not only manageable, but sunny. It is because of Brian that we feel a sense of quiet confidence about where we are headed. Rather than feeling confused and overwhelmed, I feel more knowledgeable and empowered.
It’s one thing to have a good financial planner. It’s another to feel like that person is a partner.
When we first met with Brian, we also shared our crazy plan to take a long trip each year, working as we traveled but traveling nonetheless. Rather than tell us it was ridiculous--which would have been fair!--he sought ways to make it an actionable, possible part of our financial fabric.
While I am quite sure he’d be a banner addition to any family looking for guidance, we appreciate how he’s uniquely suited to work with people who work for themselves. It took searching to find someone who got it. Brian gets it. He’s curious about how our businesses run, eager to understand our priorities as a family (now and tomorrow) and willing to think creatively and pragmatically to help us make and meet our goals.
We feel immense gratitude to Brian for sharing his talents and time with us. Working with him is, quite simply, the best investment we’ve made in our family’s present and future.