Reviews of NOLS (Driving School)

284 Lincoln St, Lander, WY 82520

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You will be able to see all the feddbacks of real people like you who are using the products of NOLS (Driving School) in Wyoming area.

At the present the firm receives a rating of 4.1 stars over 5 and this score was based on 17 reviews.

As you can see it reaches an feddbacks average is very good, and it's founded on a very large number of feddbacks, so we can think that the valuation is quite accurate. If many people have bothered to give their feddback when they've done well, is that it works.

You know that we do not usually stop to set opinions when these are correct and we usually do it only if we have had a problem or issue...

This Driving School is included in the category of School.

Where is NOLS?


John Vanpietersom

Robert Ashmun


Martin Bigatti

Joshua Zeeb

Max Neumeyer

Ambiguous cancellation policies and very poor communication led to serious miscommunication and loss of money.

Orbely Perez

Bobby McBobbertson

I heard great things about NOLS and wanted to take their Wilderness First Responder course. I’d had medical training before (as a member and eventual leader of a search and rescue team) and really enjoyed it, so I thought this would be a similar experience. Unfortunately that wasn't the case. On the first day of the course we were learning how to use a blood pressure cuff. For some reason, the instructor decided it was appropriate to list everyone’s blood pressure on the blackboard. High blood pressure runs in my family and I’ve had it since I was 18. My reading was the highest of the class, which was no surprise to me. Then the instructor took it a step further and got me in front of the class to take my pressure for herself. What’s going to happen when you get someone who is already embarrassed and put them in front of a class like a guinea pig?! That’s right- their pressure is going to increase! She didn’t seem to realize this, had no bedside manner to speak of, never bothered to ask me about my pertinent medical history, and she never once stopped to consider my privacy. If this were a college course I would have immediately dropped the class. Some instructors are good, others don’t practice what they preach. But, I tried to blow it off. That night after class we were doing more patient assessments and the instructor came over and told the group she was going to measure my blood pressure, in front of the class, again the following day. I asked her nicely not to do this. She was very stern in her reply, “No, I’m going to take your blood pressure in front of the class every day.” As you can imagine, this was more than a little off putting. Again, I asked her nicely not to do this and again she gave me the same reply, never once asking me about my medical history. A heated argument ensued. After our little altercating in front of the class, I had no desire to continue on. I asked NOLS for a partial refund (siting my reasons) which was denied. If you're like me and interested in wilderness medicine, I strongly suggest you take a WFR course. However, you should avoid NOLS and their egocentric instructors. I just took another WFR course with the University Of Utah and the experience was night and day- the instructors were professional, the class was fun, and the cost was about HALF what NOLS charges. Check it out.

Eric Boggs

Tim Pierce

NOLS taught me the soft skills of EB, Communication, LNT & Leadership which I use every day in my personal wilderness experience of life.

Karl Themel

Unfortunately, one of my two instructors did not understand that respect works both ways. I now very much regret to have completed the trip rather than hiking out early when I had the chance.

Robert Spengler

World renowned for Leadership development incorporated in a life changing wilderness experience. In addition it is a top notch place to work. I had the opportunity to do both some years back.

Joshua Boyle

They know how to run a wilderness trip. OESF-Fall 2008. I saw and did more than most people could imagine.

Jake Sheets

Audrey Kruse

Aaron Ross

Coins With Caroline

Best place ever

James Freeman

2 weeks in wind river valley remembered for a lifetime.

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