Reviews of Dr. Daniel Polatsch (Doctor)

210 E 64th St, New York, NY 10021

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We've got all the reviews of people like you who purchase the products of Dr. Daniel Polatsch (Doctor) in New York area.

Currently the business gets a score of 4.9 stars out of 5 and that score is based on 47 reviews.

As you can read, it has an average rating is practically the best one, and it's founded on a large number of scores, so we may say that the assessment is very faithful. If people have bothered to evaluate when they've done well, it works.

You know that we do not usually stop to place feddbacks when these are good and we usually do it only if we've had a problem or issue...

This Doctor corresponds to the category of Hand surgeon.

Where is Dr. Daniel Polatsch?

REVIEWS OF Dr. Daniel Polatsch IN New York

Dan Wolman

I entered Dr. Polatsch's office in a vulnerable state after a ridiculous cooking injury I sustained to my hand. I was immediately calmed after seeing a wall-of-fame of celebrities/athletes/musicians, with personalized notes all thanking him for his incredible work. After seeing that, I had a feeling this guy knew what he was doing. While I won't ever have my picture on his wall, I can confirm that Dr. Polatsch is the best in the business! Even my hand therapist confirmed that he's never seen such amazing work, and that the perfection of the surgery she weeks, if not months, off my rehab. If you require aid for your hand, look no further! He's your guy!

Margaret McManus

frank andereya

wonderful experience with Dr Polatsch and Victoria. Needle didn't even hurt.

John Devlin

Three weeks ago my 18 year old son had a severe injury that required emergency attention. My wife, my son and I could not be more thankful that Dr Polatsch made time for us on short notice. Time was of the essence and we were all very emotional and scared. Immediately we knew we were in the right place and being cared for by one of the very best doctors in the world. Dr Polatsch is an amazing hand/wrist specialist, but an even better person. He has followed up with us many times outside of office visits, including while on vacation. He has been honest, transparent and most of all encouraging to my son during this difficult process. You immediately know that he cares deeply about his patients and wants the very best for them. He inspires confidence and you know that he will do anything possible to ensure the best outcome for his patients. Dr Polatsch has also surrounded himself with a great team. The PA’s in his office, Lukasz and Catherine, are terrific and clearly amongst the best in the business. They have also been very supportive, diligent and have shown great patience in answering all our questions. I could not offer Dr Polatsch a higher recommendation. He is a world class physician, surgeon and person. We are so very fortunate that he was there to help our son in a time of great need. He is the very best.

Warner W. Johnston

I had 11 or 12 surgeries for Dupytrens in the time frame of 1993-2003, and have been dormant since then. In December I saw Dr. Polatsch for an occurrence in the left little finger between knuckle and PIP. I have had surgery to remove a cord in this area in 1993 and at least once since then, possibly twice. I received a XIAFLEX injection in the base of this finger on March 31 with manipulation to rupture the cord the next day. I had 7 sessions of Physical Therapy and have one more tomorrow April 30. In a surgical situation I would still be dealing with wound therapy and having the hand immobilized after surgery for some time. If Dupytrens appears again, and the location is suitable for injection I would not hesitate to use it. I would not hesitate to have Dr. Polatsch operate if it is a location requiring surgery. Not certain why my name isn't posting. Warner W. Johnston

Jeff Millen

I saw Dr. Polatsch in November after an urgent care facility diagnosed a very painful hurt wrist as "merely a sprain." Immediately he sensed that there might be more to the injury. Unfortunately he was right. I had broken a few bones in my wrist. This type of fracture was hard to see on traditional X-rays which was why Dr. Polatsch sent me for an MRI. The MRI confirmed the breaks. As the injury had the potential to cause some lasting damage, I opted for surgery to give myself the best chance for a total recovery. The process was as pain free as possible. First class team all the way. All the details of the surgery and the recovery were handled with great care. And Dr, Polatsch has a great bedside manner. I was at ease and informed throughout. The end result is that here I am 8 months later and the wrist is absolutely perfect. Thanks Dr. Polatsch - you're the man!!


I had SLAC wrist, very painful have been living with constant daily pain for quite a while. Dr. Polatsch said I needed a scaphoid excision and four bone fusion. Very nervous to do as it is my dominant hand and I do carpentry, construction work. After initial consultation with Dr.. Polatsch where he described in detail what would be done and explained was a major surgery and it would be extremely painful the first few days after surgery and be in a cast the elbow length cast with pins sticking out for six weeks, followed by weeks of OT, I asked if I could wait. He said yes and to come back when the pain was no longer tolerable. I was scared to go through with it but the time came where pain was too much, so I scheduled the surgery for September. Everything went exactly as Dr Polatsch described, and today five months after surgery and I'm so very happy to say I have been doing carpentry work the last two weeks again. The pain I had is gone, gone!! My strength is getting better and is already back to pre surgery level and improving. Range of motion is limited by this surgery however I had already lost some range and have basically the same as pre surgery. Dr Polatsch promised the pain would stop and I'd be able to do everything I could previously. He delivered!! Awesome surgeon, awesome person who you can tell actually cares for his patients and enjoys what he does. If you have a similar problem, I hope you find this post and contact Dr. Polatsch. Thank you Dr. Polatsch, I can't say it enough!!

Adriana Rojas

After encountering some difficulty in making my first-time reservation, I must admit that improvements have been made and Dr. Polatsch took time to explain why there had been technical difficulties. I've seen him twice and he's taken time to not only perform thorough tests but has provided feedback into my hand's condition in plain, straight-forward terms (no need for me to go to medical school!). He's taken the time to answer all my questions while discussing all scenarios and available options for treatment. Will definitely recommend to anyone with any hand/wrist problems.

crystal sotomayor

Dr. Polatsch is by far the best Doctor that I have ever seen. Anyone that is looking for a hand or wrist doctor/surgeon, you found the best. He is extremely compassionate, honest, understanding, and has all the qualities you need and want out of a Doctor. He treated me for jersey finger (torn tendon in finger) and my finger / hand is back to the way it was before my injury because of him!

Sean O

Dr. Polatsch is top notch. I had a collapsed scaphoid, which made my wrist badly arthritic. It became very difficult to do any type of weight lifting over 15 pounds and push-ups, even with bars, were too painful to complete. Dr. Polatsch explained all my options and even had me go for a CT scan to ensure that a more minor surgery wasn't a possibility. Dr. Polatsch explained that my two options were to leave the injury as is and live with the pain or go through with a four corner fusion and scaphoid excision. He told me that I would lose some strength and mobility in my wrist (which was already limited due to the injury), but ultimately the pain would go away. Four months after surgery (two months with a cast, 5 weeks of rehab, and 3 weeks of gaining strength back), I am back to normal weight lifting, can do push-ups with bars again, and can swing a golf club with no problem. My grip strength was poor going into the surgery, but I am already matching what it was prior to the operation. I have lost a significant amount of forward wrist flexion; however, I haven’t found it limiting in regards to daily activities. My back wrist extension was poor to begin with and I’m actually pretty close to where I was before the surgery. With that, I haven’t been able to do a normal push-up for about 10 years, so just being able to do them again on bars without wrist wraps is a huge victory. This is a serious surgery and you will deal with pretty significant pain after the surgery. You will also have to really work the physical therapy to get back as much strength, flexion, and extension as possible. With all that, I couldn’t be happier that I went through with the surgery; I’m virtually pain free and I am no longer nervous taking on physical activities because my wrist finally feels strong. If you are considering this or another serious hand/wrist surgery, I would HIGHLY recommend seeing Dr. Polatsch.

Theresa Nichiporuk

Dr. Polatsch is awesome his staff is obliging the ambulatory services at nyc eye hear and throat was great during my hand and thumb surgery. I have nothing negative to write. I am truly thankful to Dr. Polatsch.

Marc Ohrem-Leclef

Saved me from unnecessary surgery! Kind, thorough, professional! Highly recommended!

Sharon Jautz

Hands down, (no pun intended!) the BEST experience. As a long time carpal tunnel sufferer, and having never had surgery in my life, I was terrified to learn that I needed surgery on both hands to relieve the chronic nerve pain I was experiencing. Dr. Polatsch and his team were amazing from pre-surgery to post-op! The surgery and healing process left me out of work for just 2 days for each hand. Recovery for both hands was quick and pain free. I would encourage anyone to seek out Dr. Polatsch and get your carpal tunnel pain fixed!

Marsha Halpert

If you are reading this you are looking for a hand surgeon and you have found the very best. I just returned from my final visit to Dr. Polatsch. I feel so grateful to have found him as I was very apprehensive about having surgery. He was definitive about the surgery and confident that I would regain full range afterwards. He was correct! I came in about 2 1/2 weeks after the initial fall and break with A Colles' fracture (a fracture of the distal radius in the forearm with dorsal (posterior) and radial displacement of the wrist and hand.) and was scheduled for surgery soon after. He was concerned that I was disassociating myself because I had difficulty looking at my deformed wrist but 2 - 1/2 months later he used the word "remarkable". Personally, I think he is pretty remarkable - honest, professional, calming and assuring. Thanks again Dr. Polatsch!

Ana Lieberman

You will be in very good hands with Dr. Polatsch. He did amazing work on a severed tendon in my middle finger because of a deep glass cut in the center of the palm of my right (dominant) hand. He is clear and present and swift. The surgery went smoothly and cleanly, and the immediate recovery plan went very well. The scarring process was smooth and now that it's been four months since my injury my hand is back to normal! I am still giving it a lot of love and attention to gain full strength. My recovery since the surgery was a collaborative effort between myself, the great physical therapist Polatsch referred me to, and Polatsch himself. Incredibly grateful to have my hand in perfect condition (and all the wiser) after such a scary injury. Thanks and gratitude to Dr. Polatsch.

Jeff Nemhauser

Expertise. Bedside manner. Ease of professionalism. Great surgeon, great guy. In the hand hall of fame as a rock star. Staff is excellent . All very responsive, caring and thorough. I would not give my hand to anyone else!

Ron Bloomfield

In late January I fell on the ice and broke my left wrist ( distal Radius fracture). The first surgeon that I saw told me the best I could hope for was an outcome of a B or a B+. How lucky for me that I was referred by a friend to Dr. Polatsch and am happy to report that after 6 months my wrist is back to where it was, and maybe even stronger. But, it was not an easy journey. Dr. Polatsch did his brilliant job, but I had trouble doing mine, I was completely detached from my left arm and hand, I couldn’t look at it, and certainly couldn’t use it at all. I found myself increasingly dependent on my right hand which was my dominant hand. Every time I saw Dr. Polatsch he warned me that If I did not use my left wrist , I would never gain back complete use and flexibility. This was a tough thing to do….the physical therapy helped a lot and the fear of not gaining full mobility started to scare me. But, most importantly..Dr. Polatsch was such a cheerleader and motivator it all started to come together. I became determined not to let him down, I became a good student…doing my exercises daily and it has paid off completely. I have just been released from Dr. Polatsch and very thankful that he was my surgeon, and happy to report that I have a grade of A+. who would settle for less!

Heather Campbell

I went in for pain in 2 fingers, which I had ignored for 9 months. Dr Polatsch told me he had good news and better news. The good news was the fingers I came in for were fine. We could treat them, but really, they would just heal if left alone (which they completely did!). The better news was that because I came in he found a bone eating lesion in different finger (which I could see on the x-ray), which left untreated would eat away at the bone until my finger shattered and I needed 2 surgeries and 4 months of rehab but instead, we could do 1 surgery and only 1 month or so or recovery. He said all this with amazing care and terrific bedside manner. EVERYTHING was handled with kindness and professionalism that is rarely seen in a doctors office. Pre-surgey the office actually contacted my insurance and told me what I needed to do. Surgery was completely easy and recovery wonderful - I never even needed PT. I understood everything that was happening every step of the way because of Dr Polatsch and his staff's great communication and because of how positive they all were I was never worried. I HIGHLY recommend him!

Socorro Marxuach

Saw Dr. Polatsch today, turns out I'm suffering from tennis elbow! but was the perfect opportunity to thank him for potentially saving my life....2 years ago I went to see Dr. Polatsch for severe carpal tunnel symptoms, one of the things he asked for in our first visit was a copy of an MRI report a previous doctor had sent me to have done. He read through it, saw I have some bulging discs, etc... and then he asked me, "have you had your thyroid checked?" - I was confused, what does my thyroid have to do with my carpal tunnel? well turns out previous doctor did not read the MRI report as thoroughly as Dr. Polatsch was doing at that moment, though not his field of medicine he was the doctor who informed me that I had a swollen thyroid as stated in the very end of the report and as soon as I was done with my hand surgery he wanted me to see a doctor about it....and so after my hand surgery recovery, I went to see a specialist about my thyroid and turned out I had thyroid cancer. Had my thyroid removed and a parathyroid gland as well, did oral radiation and lost my voice for a long time, yes it was a difficult period BUT how much worse it could had been if it was not for Dr. Polatsch diligence and truly taking the time and just caring enough to read, study, and go over every potential medical aspect of his patient. Took me 2 years to share this story with him, and give him a loooong over due thank you hug! I thank you and my sons thank you more :).....OH and needless to say my carpal tunnel surgery was fantastic too!

Mary Seiferheld

staff amazing .. Dr P is such a personal kinda guy all about the repair and so amazing MY HERO wish I could show u pics I went thru hell and I think Dr P went thru it w me and so did his staff LOVE U GUYS .... BEST EVER THANK YOU ALL

Nathan Lee Bush

Dr. Polatsch is an extremely professional and capable hand surgeon. I appreciated in my experience with a dog bite and subsequent finger surgery that he neither glosses over realities, but also isn't overly hasty in his prognosis. On first visit he assuaged my fears but recommended some imaging work to make sure. The imaging work was a more alarming and he called me in for emergency finger surgery, and I was on standby to late in the evening, when the hospital pushed it to early in the morning, leaving him only a few hours to get home and sleep. He was incredibly communicative and professional throughout the entire process. If you call or email, he'll get right back to you. Don't get me wrong, the whole experience at the hospital was a nightmarish ordeal. Surgery is inherently not fun, and the American medical system is inherently dysfunctional and awful. But Dr. Polatsch and his team were the among the rare bright spots during the whole experience. My only complaint is that it occasionally feels like he is rushing the interaction, but I also have the sense that he is just mind bogglingly busy and needs to attend to all his patients. It can feel sometimes like you're being rushed, but he's really just operating at maximum efficiency, and always makes sure your needs are addressed and doesn't leave you hanging. Also, his team is equally impressive. Benny, his Surgical Assistant was my doctor during my post surgery hospital stay and was remarkably warm, thoughtful, and attentive. Lucas, his office-based Assistant, is always smiling and asking how you're doing. Dr. Polatsch and his team are a testament to the potential of the profession!

Alexandria Calizaire

Daniel Polatsch is by far the best doctor i've been to in my life!. I had a hand injury that many previous doctors I went to couldn't identify through x-ray or MRI, not only did he diagnose me properly (Scapholunate Rupture) he preformed successful surgery on my hand, and I'm feeling 100% better because of him. He is very Professional, Honest, Informative, Attentive, and very Positive!. I would recommend him any day for anyone who has a serious injury to their hand!. I would just like to say thank you dr. Polatsch to you & your staff for fixing my hand and for running such a great doctors office!! Sincerely Salah Brown


Dr. Polatsch is not only nice, he's a great doctor. Thorough and caring. I'm so glad I went to him, I could not have had a better experience. He removed a bump on my hand and eased my nerves when I had the surgery. He also explained what and why he was doing it. I would go to him again if I had any other hand, wrist, arm problems.

steven lund

I can only say great things about Dr Polatsch. I had the most evasive of all hand/wrist surgeries. He pulled out a broken bone and fused four others. Unlike other doctors who immediately opted for surgery he was not eager to cut. He told me the bone had been broken for years and I should take my time before deciding on surgery. Ultimately I had the surgery and after five months I never felt better. He was completely accurate in his description of both the surgery and the recovery. I recovered well. I can not tell were he even made the stitches Additionally His staff was fantastic. I would like to say a special thanks to Abigail who always had time to get my numerous question answered by the Dr within a 24 hour window even when he was in surgery. DR Lukasz who assisted in cutting the cast and answering the more general questions were equally as good Most important they were gentle and calming

Teresa Hicks

OnJune 19th, Dr. Polatsch did surgery on my right hand for a fractured wrist. By July 14th, 4 weeks later, I was able to pick up my tennis racket ( I am right handed) and play with my 15 year old son. The excellent care I received from Dr. Polatsch and his team was well as following their instruction to use the hand and exercise it. My physical therapy starts next week...but as of now I have about 85% full range of motion. I cannot stress enough how using the hand and not "babying it" has paid off. Believe me, I am no hero, I am a very average 55 year old woman. Dr. Polatsch and his staff made my experience a truly painless one. Many thanks!

Sam Aryeh

Scapholunate ligament tear. From the first time I met Dr. Polatsch I knew I was in good hands. Aside for the exceptional care he and his team provided, the surgery and recovery process was impeccable. I am now just 12 weeks from the date of surgery and I have complete range of motion back. I am as good as new. Thank you Dr. Polatsch!

Andrew Lerner

Dr. Polatsch is one of the most incredible doctors I have ever encountered and is clearly the best of the best. I was not pleased to learn I needed surgery (distal radius fracture) but after moving past that, Dr. Polatsch told me I could see a full recovery in 3-4 months if I stuck with my rehab. He reiterated that if I was rigorous in my rehab, keep my fingers moving post surgery and my hand active after the cast came off that I could speed up the recovery even further. I took his advice to heart, following all his instructions, and kept moving my hand as much as possible to remove/avoid additional scar tissue build up. I am not even a full 5 weeks post surgery and yesterday I learned my bone has completely healed and my wrist is at 85-90% strength. I will easily fully recover in less than 2 months. It's a miracle due to flawless surgery, rigorous rehab, and following the doctors instruction. THANK YOU DR. POLATSCH

Roni Bloch

In January 2014 I broke my wrist when I slipped on black ice near my house, My Hand has been seriously crashed and after being treated in the emergency room, I had to find a specialist physician to take care of my hand. I am not a U.S. citizen, and I am here temporary on the occasion of my husband's sabbatical. So without understanding the rules of the place I called my insurance and got a list of general orthopedic doctors. Only when I insisted to get the names of hand specialists I have got the phone of Dr. Daniel B. Polatsch When I called Dr. . Polatsch’s office, it was the first time I was treated professionally. His assistant, Abigail, wanted to know when and how it happened, advised me to lift my wrist to the heart level which immediately made the swelling decreases. She arrange for an appointment without delay, and the next day the doctor met me , and from that moment began the process of my rehabilitation! Dr. . Polatsch attitude was professional, human and reassuring. A few days later he operated me. The instructions I received from him were accurate and his caring is unbelievable. He has a unique personality that combines humanity with professionalism.

Jack Gormley

I do not normally post reviews on sites like this but in this case the extraordinary care and outstanding results warrant a public thank-you. Dr. Polatsch and his team have taken the best care of my broken wrist that I could imagine. This was my first-ever broken bone, fortunately, so I had many questions and concerns. From start to finish, I have felt well served and truly mended. My surgery went well and all follow-up appointments have been positive and thorough. The take-home instructions and referral to physical therapy were clear and helpful. (I chose Manhattan Rehabilitation Group, 334 East 34th. They are very near to Dr. Polatsch but they're worth it no matter how far you might have to travel to see Diane, Pat, and Ellen.) Most importantly, Dr. Polatsch was candid with me that my long-term recuperation would depend largely on how seriously I approached the PT and exercises. In other words, the surgery was a perfect success, but now to complete the job was my responsibility. Like many patients, my first inclination was to rest and relax my wrist as much as possible -- wrong! In fact, to get over my injury and the surgery and return my hand to full functionality without further complications, I had to dive into my PT wholeheartedly and challenge myself every day. This approach started to pay off immediately. With encouragement from Dr. Polatsch and Diane at MRG, I dedicated myself to a serious routine of exercising my wrist at least six times a day in addition to twice weekly PT sessions with MRG. If it seemed obsessive to do supination and pronation drills and full-fist flexion exercises on the NYC subway, I didn't mind. In meetings at work, co-workers came to expect me to quietly do my wrist extensions and thumb-finger stretches while listening. Take my word for it, the homework has been worth it; I've heard horror stories from friends about facing permanently limited range of motion and worse. Thanks to Dr. Polatsch, I believe I have successfully avoided those dangers. Obviously, a distal radius fracture is never fun. However, Dr. Polatsch made the very best of it and helped me realize a clear path back to full health. I should also thank Dr. Polatsch's entire team. Scheduling, Reception, and Billing, along with the X-ray Technician and the Physician's Assistant, this is a finely tuned first-class operation. I have now been there at least six times and I have never seen this office fall behind their schedule. They take the time to show caring and attention to detail to every patient -- young and old; in addition, they have fun and seem to genuinely enjoy helping patients and families. If you need a hand surgeon (and I hope you don't), I wholeheartedly recommend Dr. Daniel Polatsch and his team.

Ronny Bassan

Barbara Kessler Cohen

I had the most wonderful experience with Dr Polatsch. From the moment I entered his office, it was such a comfortable experience. His staff was beyond nice and the office is run very well. The wait time in the waiting room was not long at all, compared to other dr's offices. I wound up needing surgery and I have to say, Dr Polatsch and his assistant explained everything to me so thoroughly, that I was so prepared for what to expect when I got home from the hospital. The aftercare was excellent, I actually had a bad reaction to the anesthesia and had to call the dr in the evening, he called me back right away and also checked in on me the next day, he was a very attentive dr. I would Highly recommend him if your in need of hand surgery.

Angela Beidler

Dr. Polatsch was so informative and thorough in treating my husband after his hand accident. The office was beautiful, convenient and we went immediately back to talk to the doctor. He spent an hour with us. I would recommend this office to anyone without hesitation.

Chris Dahl

I'm not quite finished with rehab but I'm ready to say I couldn't be more pleased with the outcome of what I considered a pretty involved surgery that Dr. Polatsch performed (Dec. 18, 2013) on my left wrist to repair a torn scaphalunate ligament, shave down arthritic bone and remove a nerve. At 55, I wasn't certain I would regain full range of motion but I'm already there without any residual pain or soreness. The surgery itself left my wrist feeling perhaps stronger than it had been originally. When the cast was removed after eight long winter weeks, I was a little surprised to find out just how stiff my muscles and joints had become from weeks of inactivity. But putting aside a difficult and successful surgery, Dr. Polatsch had stressed from the beginning that my attention to rehab would ultimately be the determining factor in my recovery, so I left his office determined to do whatever work was necessary to regain full mobility and strength. Under a program developed by a gifted hand therapist, Janet Krzemienski, I've made rapid week-to-week progress. She's a knowledgeable therapist who takes seriously the technical aspects of her work but just as important she had great sense for when to push and when to hold back. She's kept me motivated. Bottom line: An excellent team delivered an excellent result. I'm glad I found these professionals.

Evelyn Maldonado

This review is years overdue. I had a car accident 2 1/2 years ago and broke my thumb and torn ligaments between thumb and pointer. Dr Polatsch and his staff were awesome!! I saw him on a Monday, emergency surgery scheduled for Wednesday, I followed his instructions and my hand is 100%

Andreas Panteli

Dr. Polatsch is not the best hand doctor/surgeon. He is the BEST of the best! Period. I had "trigger finger" symptoms and went to one of the best NYU Langone hand doctors whom I visited twice but my fingers continue to worsen. I decided to visit Dr. Polatsch and he did exactly the same procedure (injections) as the doctor at NYU Langone but slightly differently in terms of which spots of the fingers were injected. I took note of that and the difference with the NYU Langone treatment. Within two weeks, the trigger finger symptoms disappeared and I am happily back to a normal life. I cannot thank Dr. Polatsch enough. He is the BEST of the best! - Andreas Panteli

Ann Strini

Amazingly friendly, approachable + super-knowledgable doc. Dr. Polatsch helped correct my torn tendon (sports injury to my finger). Even though I waited a month b4 seeing a doctor, he treated me right away - and thanks to him and some patience with wearing a customized splint, I'm perfectly healed now! :)

Eileen C.

New York City is full of excellent physicians. It is one of the perks of living here. Dr. Polatsch is, by far, one of the best doctors I have ever encountered. Over a year ago, my left wrist started hurting. I had just started playing tennis after a several year hiatus and I thought my wrist was strained due to playing tennis again. But the pain wouldn't go away. Dr. Polatsch informed me that I had a rare condition called Kienbock's Disease and that I needed to have bones removed from my wrist. On top of it all, a ligament on the left side of the wrist was badly torn. Dr. Polatsch basically re-built my wrist. He told my husband right after the surgery that it was much worse than he thought it would be, but that the surgery went much better than he expected it would. Six months later my wrist is almost as good as new. I now realize that the surgery was "major" and complicated and I am eternally grateful to Dr. Polatsch for taking such good care of me. On top of mad skills he is a nice man -- funny, concerned and super smart. And his staff is great as well. Highly recommended.


Dr. Polatsch was very thorough and precise with my wrist surgery. He followed up with my recovery at least on four separate occasions to make sure I was recovering as predicted. Every time I had an office visit before and after surgery, I felt confident in his abilities. He was able to see all my injuries on my mri, even if the other surgeons missed it. He was the third and last hand surgeon I vetted and the one I felt most confident in to perform my surgery. I would recommend him to perform surgery to anyone who needs it.

Anna Schnaitter

He knows what he's doing!! The whole experience was perfect!!

Jacqueline B.

Dr.Polatsch is very friendly and wants to help everyone he can. Even if he couldn't help me he gave me options how to continue looking for help and possibly some other doctors that could be a help. I admire when doctors don't try and take a case on if they know someone who can do it better, this is just one of the many great qualities Dr.Polatsch showed as a great doctor. Thank you!

Adam C

Dr. Polatsch did reconstuctive surgery on my A2 and A4 pulleys after I had a complete tears during a rocking climbing bouldering injury. I was climbing lightly again after 3 months and now almost a year later I barely noticed I had surgery at all. He was a very caring and attentive doctor who always gave me honest advice. He came to me highly recommended and I would recommend him to anyone who needed a reliable hand surgeon.

Joe Ballweg

Let me first say that I feel very fortunate to have had Dr. Polatsch as my hand surgeon. I came to him with a finger that could have easily been lost at the knuckle, but with Dr. Polatsch’s help, it’s hard to see I had an injury at all. I had a wood working accident that damaged my ring finger. The nerves, ligaments, and arteries were all lacerated and the joint near the tip of my finger was shattered. From the beginning, he was very clear about my options and what I could expect. He was also clear about what he wouldn’t know until he operated. Thanks to his precise and delicate work I was able to keep my finger by fusing the bone fragments in the tip. Minimal length was lost and the nerves are as good as I could have hoped for. Without Dr. Polatsch’s expertise, I feel the outcome would have been much different. His knowledge and demeanor made me feel I was in very capable hands throughout the whole process. I also appreciated the sensitive care I received from his staff, and in particular Lukasz. I’m extremely grateful to Dr. Polatsch’s for helping me get my hand back in working order and I highly recommend him and his team.

Joseph DePrisco

Dr. Polatsch is hands down (pardon the pun) the best at his craft. The best part about him is that he truly cares and it shows in the staff that he has chosen to represent him. No detail is missed and it is truly a unique experience in today’s medical environment.

Matt Stone

David Hauth

Long overdue review. January of 2016 I fell while ice climbing and fractured my pinky into 3 pieces, one of the breaks went through my knuckle (intra articular). I saw Dr. Polatsch the next day and he scheduled a rush surgery 2 days later. Somehow he was able to reassemble my finger WITHOUT making a major incision, which would have added weeks to my recovery. In all he placed 6 pins all clustered within an inch to hold together my wrecked finger (temporary pins). He was straightforward, honest, clear and made sure that I understood what was happening and the PT I needed to do. I'm back to rock climbing at a higher level than I ever have, putting tremendous strain on my fingers with no issue. And I probably have 99% mobility back in my pinky. Enough said.

sandra olaya

Unfortunately, we can't comment on Dr. Daniel B. Polatsch because we haven't had our appointment with him. And won't be keeping our appointment either. This review is about my call to his office on 4/10/13. I called to make an appointment for my husband and was greeted by a woman named Abigail. Abigail's nasty tone and rudeness completely surprised me. No need to get into a story about what happened. Just wanted to warn future patients of what to expect.

Marc Williams

Dr. Polatsch assured me that once I had the carpal tunnel release surgery the night time pain that had literally been plaguing me for MONTHS, would immediately be relieved. True to his word, the pain was gone and that night I had an uninterrupted pain free sleep from that point onward. If you have this problem stop suffering with it! And by the way, he is a terrific doctor with and (increasingly rare) great beside manner. \

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Doctor - New York

Orthopedic surgeon

NYU Langone Orthopedic Hospital
NYU Langone Orthopedic Ho...
Doctor - New York

Surgical center

Craig Austin Dermatology NYC
Craig Austin Dermatology NYC
Doctor - New York
