Reviews of Human Nature Natural Health (Doctor)

155 Borthwick Ave, W#102, Portsmouth, NH 03801

Average Rating:


We offer you the reviews of real people who use the products of Human Nature Natural Health (Doctor) in the area close to New Hampshire.

Currently the business has a rating of 4.5 stars out of 5 and the rating has been based on 16 reviews.

As you can read, the average score it has is basically the highest, and it is founded on a very large number of feddbacks, so we may think that the score is quite accurate. If many people have bothered to rate when they are happy, is that it works.

You know that we don't usually stop to set feddbacks when these are good and we usually do it only if we have had a problem or issue...

This Doctor belongs to the category of Naturopathic practitioner.

Where is Human Nature Natural Health?

REVIEWS OF Human Nature Natural Health IN New Hampshire

Deb Geiger

Dr. Bier's knowledge, skillful assessment and ongoing support has been transformational. After working with other naturopaths for more than 30 years, I can say I have finally found the real deal. Skilled in many disciplines, Dr. Bier has been able to help where others only guessed. He explains thoroughly and offers on going support - they do what they say they will do. He answers emails and questions promptly and the entire staff is kind, supportive and knowledgeable. I've sent several family members to him and they all have wonderful results.

Anna Lynn

I found Dr. Bier through searching online for someone who could treat my blood disorder. It's been a month since my first appointment and my energy levels, mental clarity and blood pressure have all improved. I am feeling a million times better! Highly recommended!

Dawn Costa

The patient-centered, individualized care that we are so grateful to receive at Dr. Bier’s practice is truly unparalleled! Many, many thanks Dr. Bier, Paula, and the HNNH team!

Deb Geiger

Dr. Bier's knowledge, skillful assessment and ongoing support has been transformational. After working with other naturopaths for more than 30 years, I can say I have finally found the real deal. Skilled in many disciplines, Dr. Bier has been able to help where others only guessed. He explains thoroughly and offers on going support - they do what they say they will do. He answers emails and questions promptly and the entire staff is kind, supportive and knowledgeable. I've sent several family members to him and they all have wonderful results.

Anna Lynn

I found Dr. Bier through searching online for someone who could treat my blood disorder. It's been a month since my first appointment and my energy levels, mental clarity and blood pressure have all improved. I am feeling a million times better! Highly recommended!

Dawn Costa

The patient-centered, individualized care that we are so grateful to receive at Dr. Bier’s practice is truly unparalleled! Many, many thanks Dr. Bier, Paula, and the HNNH team!

Sera Fiana

Dr. B and his staff are the absolute best. I travel from VA to NH for this care although I already have SO many other local functional docs that I know. He is comprehensive, caring, has a very unique approach to healing and it works. His wife and staff are kind, caring and helpful. Dr. B has been the best in supporting me with a thyroid/adrenal imbalance. His protocols helped me balance my levels, lose weight, get my hair back, stabilize my moods and increase my energy.

Janet Wheadon

I can't thank Dr. Bier enough for saving my husband's life. Here is my story: My husband is 60 years old, and has high blood pressure. Last year he had A-Fib, and this year he had a stroke. For the last 3 years my husband's CBC lab work has had flagged Hemocrit and Hemocrat numbers. I had question my husband regarding his physician's concerns for these high numbers. My husband's respond was that his physician said everything is fine, nothing to worry about. After being frustrated with my husband not getting better (always feeling tired and lousy), I decided to seek a naturopathic doctor that was highly recommended to me, Dr. Bier. After 1 hour with the first office visit, Dr. Bier was able to look at my husband's past 3 years of lab work, and determine that my husband needed to go for further testing based on his Hemocrit and Hemocrat levels on his lab results to determine if he had high IRON levels in his body. My husband went the following week for further testing, and they found that my husband's iron, (ferritin levels), were 1,500. The average person's ferritin level is 50. Having high iron levels in your body for a long period of time can cause damage to your organs. Thankfully my husband's organs have no damage. I believe that the high iron levels in his body caused this caused his A-fib, as well as his stroke. Without Dr. Bier we would of never found the high iron in his body. Dr. Bier also gave my husband some vitamins to help with some vitamins deficiencies that also showed up on his lab work. I can't say enough to thank them for all they have done to help my husband. Please be your own advocate when it comes to reading your lab work, research everything that you don't understand, or ask a naturopathic doctor for help

Mike Tremblay

Sera Fiana

Dr. B and his staff are the absolute best. I travel from VA to NH for this care although I already have SO many other local functional docs that I know. He is comprehensive, caring, has a very unique approach to healing and it works. His wife and staff are kind, caring and helpful. Dr. B has been the best in supporting me with a thyroid/adrenal imbalance. His protocols helped me balance my levels, lose weight, get my hair back, stabilize my moods and increase my energy.

Janet Wheadon

I can't thank Dr. Bier enough for saving my husband's life. Here is my story: My husband is 60 years old, and has high blood pressure. Last year he had A-Fib, and this year he had a stroke. For the last 3 years my husband's CBC lab work has had flagged Hemocrit and Hemocrat numbers. I had question my husband regarding his physician's concerns for these high numbers. My husband's respond was that his physician said everything is fine, nothing to worry about. After being frustrated with my husband not getting better (always feeling tired and lousy), I decided to seek a naturopathic doctor that was highly recommended to me, Dr. Bier. After 1 hour with the first office visit, Dr. Bier was able to look at my husband's past 3 years of lab work, and determine that my husband needed to go for further testing based on his Hemocrit and Hemocrat levels on his lab results to determine if he had high IRON levels in his body. My husband went the following week for further testing, and they found that my husband's iron, (ferritin levels), were 1,500. The average person's ferritin level is 50. Having high iron levels in your body for a long period of time can cause damage to your organs. Thankfully my husband's organs have no damage. I believe that the high iron levels in his body caused this caused his A-fib, as well as his stroke. Without Dr. Bier we would of never found the high iron in his body. Dr. Bier also gave my husband some vitamins to help with some vitamins deficiencies that also showed up on his lab work. I can't say enough to thank them for all they have done to help my husband. Please be your own advocate when it comes to reading your lab work, research everything that you don't understand, or ask a naturopathic doctor for help

Mike Tremblay

Eileen Duarte

I visited Dr. Bier 9 months ago because of hypothyroidism and he has helped me get back on track within a six-month timeframe. I feel great and have learned a lot about what I should and should not do to keep myself healthy. I highly recommend him as he doesn't just treat, he searches for the root cause and works with you to make long term and permanent adjustments.


I first learned of Human Nature Natural Health by searching online trying to find a doctor who could help my daughter and I with Thyroid and Adrenal issues.I was desperate to find help as we were feeling worse each year and getting frustrated.In my eyes it was like giving it one more shot and I'm so thankful we did!I read all reviews and was so happy that others were feeling better and I thought could this be...?!Truth be told,I was feeling stronger after only two weeks into the program and my daughter has just started her journey but I'm positive she will have the same results!We are finally headed in the right direction and I couldn't be more thankful for Dr.Bier and his staff!I know how important it is to read reviews especially when it comes to health.The knowledge,patience,compassion and time that is offered is beyond words and unlike anything I've experienced over the years!They really care and do everything in their power to help you through the whole healing process!


I have been battling an auto immune disorder for more of may life. I have spent years searching for a caring Dr. who will actually listen to me. I have told Dr. after Dr. that I have something going on with my Thyroid and my hair is falling out, but no one seems to really listen nor properly treat my underlying health issues. I am 40 years old now and for the first time all of this is changing! Human Nature Natural Health is the first place that has actually helped address my physical symptoms. The staff as well as the Dr. are caring, friendly and knowledgeable. If you want to get better, this is the practice where it can be achieved.

Eileen Duarte

I visited Dr. Bier 9 months ago because of hypothyroidism and he has helped me get back on track within a six-month timeframe. I feel great and have learned a lot about what I should and should not do to keep myself healthy. I highly recommend him as he doesn't just treat, he searches for the root cause and works with you to make long term and permanent adjustments.


I first learned of Human Nature Natural Health by searching online trying to find a doctor who could help my daughter and I with Thyroid and Adrenal issues.I was desperate to find help as we were feeling worse each year and getting frustrated.In my eyes it was like giving it one more shot and I'm so thankful we did!I read all reviews and was so happy that others were feeling better and I thought could this be...?!Truth be told,I was feeling stronger after only two weeks into the program and my daughter has just started her journey but I'm positive she will have the same results!We are finally headed in the right direction and I couldn't be more thankful for Dr.Bier and his staff!I know how important it is to read reviews especially when it comes to health.The knowledge,patience,compassion and time that is offered is beyond words and unlike anything I've experienced over the years!They really care and do everything in their power to help you through the whole healing process!


I have been battling an auto immune disorder for more of may life. I have spent years searching for a caring Dr. who will actually listen to me. I have told Dr. after Dr. that I have something going on with my Thyroid and my hair is falling out, but no one seems to really listen nor properly treat my underlying health issues. I am 40 years old now and for the first time all of this is changing! Human Nature Natural Health is the first place that has actually helped address my physical symptoms. The staff as well as the Dr. are caring, friendly and knowledgeable. If you want to get better, this is the practice where it can be achieved.

andi Badger

Have been a patient since my son was born 6 years ago. Dr. Bier and his staff helped me tremendously. Also, they have been an excellent source of knowledge and care for my son as well. I love that I feel as i am treated as a whole person in mind, body and spirit. I also love Dr. Bier’s vigor for research. He walks the walk of his practice, personally. People I have sent to him are amazed at just how much he knows about their current health within a few minutes of examination without much talk.

Kim Daly

I have been a patient of Dr. Bier's for over 15 years, and there's no other Naturopath on the seacoast that I love, trust and respect more than him. We all begin our journey into naturopathy somewhere and for me it was when western medicine had no answers for my extreme fatigue. What multiple MDs could not diagnose with information, labs and multiple visits and referrals, Dr. Bier, with no information (Because that's how he likes to roll! He tells you what's wrong with you after examining you.) diagnosed how I was feeling and what I felt happening in my body as if he could read my mind. He was so accurate that he made me cry, and thus, our relationship began. I've long since experienced relief from adrenal fatigue because I made the decision to become a student of natural medicine. Nobody teaches diet, detoxing and supplementation like Dr. Bier. Even other naturopaths I've seen over the years agree that Dr. Bier is the man for those topics. Through the years, I've continued to evolve and perfect my diet and use his therapies to aid in detoxing and healing. Using acupuncture, Dr. Bier and I worked on what we believe was a torn rotator cuff, and after 12 consistent weeks of therapy, I regained full range of motion in my shoulder! That was over 5 years ago, and to this day, I have no issue with it and never needed surgery. He has helped me with achilles and knee injuries using PRP therapy with dramatic results. My favorite PRP treatment is PRP with microneedling for skin tightening and collagen stimulation. While I'm an organic girl, my love for natural therapy ends at my vanity. HA. He knew this and sought out options to help keep me looking young naturally! I can't thank him enough for that! To say we've been through a lot together is an understatement, and like any good relationship, we've had our share of disagreements, but I've never lost faith in him or his genuine desire to help me get well and thrive. Going into the office is like meeting up with friends. I love his entire staff and just highly recommend Dr. Bier and Human Nature Natural Health. This is a practice that makes you feel like family. Dr. Bier's calling for his work is unmatched in my opinion. He is one of the smartest people I know, and I wish you the same relationship if you become a patient in his practice.

S & J Garrity

Friendly, caring, uplifting, helpful, and Knowledgeable people!... I've been following my treatments as set forth by Dr B and I feel great!... although we all know life changes are made for many reasons I'm so glad someone pointed me here so I could find the help I needed and the encouragement to make the changes needed to help gain my health back...I came here because of a breast cancer diagnosis. I was treated like I was intelligent and each aspect of risks and benefits were discussed. Nothing was pushed on me (as it had been in conventional cancer treatments) and the decisions were mine. I was given time and information (as much as I wanted) and once MY choice was made I have had as much support as I needed to see me along in my treatments. I can't tell you how nice it is to go to a dr office and feel like you are among friends not just a number or an appointment, but a person! A person who's life matters and that, I think, is part of the healing process... I can't thank dr B and his staff enough for the care and encouragement I've received these past 7 mo... check out the recipes on their website too they are great!

Rachel Baker

Imagine going to place where you and your health concerns are taken seriously. Dr. Bier is so thorough with his exam that you don't need to explain what brings you there. He so amazingly skilled at his practice that you can be assured that he will provide a helpful and meaningful approach to your wellness. You immediately feel comfortable and cared for. He is eager to work with you to find the best results and truly listens to your concerns. You don't have to feel alone in your search for better health.

Adeline Saylor

I understand that most of the reviews here are fabulous, but I had a completely opposite experience. I learned the hard way to never, ever go to a natural doctor if you have mental health concerns. It does not work. I was talked over, not listened to, and convinced that all my symptoms were just a result of the "bad American lifestyle" which is a direct quote from Dr. Bier himself. He never even considered that I might have anxiety. Instead he put me on an insane diet which caused to become even more unstable and at an unhealthy low weight. He gave me hundreds of dollars worth of vitamins and tinctures and powders, all of which did nothing. When I came for a follow up he looked in my eyes, poked my stomach a little, and said he thought I was doing much better. What a f@#%ing joke. I was worse than ever. That was my last appointment, but I didn't say I wasn't coming back. I wanted to know if they would contact me for a follow up. Well, after I basically broke down with an anxiety attack in his office, I never heard another thing from them. Nothing. Never called or emailed to check in, see if I was coming back for another appointment, nothing. This is just a warning to anyone with symptoms of a mental health disorder. Do NOT go to a natural doctor unless you are positive they will take those symptoms seriously. Do not suffer needlessly at the hands of someone who will not listen or care.

Danielle Mercer

Human Nature Natural Health has changed my life in every single way! Prior to seeing Dr B I had been to many doctors including 3 different PCPs, GI specialist, Endocrinologist, and an OB GYN to figure out what was going on with my body and found no answers. I had no hopes left. I had multiple symptoms including chronic nausea, painful bloating, extreme fatigue, rashes, ovarian cysts, excessive weight gain, mental fog, and high anxiety. It has been 3 months since I first saw Dr B and I no longer have any of those symptons! I have lost 30 pounds, I have mental clarity, I feel more grounded, I feel supported and most importantly I feel at home in my body again. They were always there to answer my persistent daily calls when I felt overwhelmed or confused (shout out to Paula). Every question I had was thoroughly explained in a manner that I could understand. I truly feel cared for as an individualand I am forever grateful for everyone at HNNH.

Joanne Quinones Reed

My experience has been nothing but positive. When I looked up naturopathic doctors in my area, the Human Nature Natural Health website was the most informative and interesting. Once I made my appointment, the staff was helpful and responsive. Meeting Doctor Bier was a new experience. I started to hand him my paperwork, but he asked me to stop. He was going to tell me what I was there for. He examined me, and sure enough, his diagnosis was right on point. He gave me all the time I needed to ask questions and answer them. His recommendations were doable and reasonable. The supplements he prescribed were all explained thoroughly, and when I couldn’t purchase all of them, the staff did not pressure me to purchase all of them. In my second visit, I was welcomed warmly and asked how I was feeling by the staff. Doctor Bier welcomed me as well, and again examined and diagnosed me. He noted my improvement and made new supplement and nutritional adjustments to reflect that. Since the second week after my visit, I have been an evangelist for this practice. I’ve told everyone I know that I’ve lost weight, am sleeping better, and have more energy. I’d recommend setting up a consultation with them at your earliest possibility. The cost is not inexpensive, but it’s worth every dollar.

andi Badger

Have been a patient since my son was born 6 years ago. Dr. Bier and his staff helped me tremendously. Also, they have been an excellent source of knowledge and care for my son as well. I love that I feel as i am treated as a whole person in mind, body and spirit. I also love Dr. Bier’s vigor for research. He walks the walk of his practice, personally. People I have sent to him are amazed at just how much he knows about their current health within a few minutes of examination without much talk.

Kim Daly

I have been a patient of Dr. Bier's for over 15 years, and there's no other Naturopath on the seacoast that I love, trust and respect more than him. We all begin our journey into naturopathy somewhere and for me it was when western medicine had no answers for my extreme fatigue. What multiple MDs could not diagnose with information, labs and multiple visits and referrals, Dr. Bier, with no information (Because that's how he likes to roll! He tells you what's wrong with you after examining you.) diagnosed how I was feeling and what I felt happening in my body as if he could read my mind. He was so accurate that he made me cry, and thus, our relationship began. I've long since experienced relief from adrenal fatigue because I made the decision to become a student of natural medicine. Nobody teaches diet, detoxing and supplementation like Dr. Bier. Even other naturopaths I've seen over the years agree that Dr. Bier is the man for those topics. Through the years, I've continued to evolve and perfect my diet and use his therapies to aid in detoxing and healing. Using acupuncture, Dr. Bier and I worked on what we believe was a torn rotator cuff, and after 12 consistent weeks of therapy, I regained full range of motion in my shoulder! That was over 5 years ago, and to this day, I have no issue with it and never needed surgery. He has helped me with achilles and knee injuries using PRP therapy with dramatic results. My favorite PRP treatment is PRP with microneedling for skin tightening and collagen stimulation. While I'm an organic girl, my love for natural therapy ends at my vanity. HA. He knew this and sought out options to help keep me looking young naturally! I can't thank him enough for that! To say we've been through a lot together is an understatement, and like any good relationship, we've had our share of disagreements, but I've never lost faith in him or his genuine desire to help me get well and thrive. Going into the office is like meeting up with friends. I love his entire staff and just highly recommend Dr. Bier and Human Nature Natural Health. This is a practice that makes you feel like family. Dr. Bier's calling for his work is unmatched in my opinion. He is one of the smartest people I know, and I wish you the same relationship if you become a patient in his practice.

S & J Garrity

Friendly, caring, uplifting, helpful, and Knowledgeable people!... I've been following my treatments as set forth by Dr B and I feel great!... although we all know life changes are made for many reasons I'm so glad someone pointed me here so I could find the help I needed and the encouragement to make the changes needed to help gain my health back...I came here because of a breast cancer diagnosis. I was treated like I was intelligent and each aspect of risks and benefits were discussed. Nothing was pushed on me (as it had been in conventional cancer treatments) and the decisions were mine. I was given time and information (as much as I wanted) and once MY choice was made I have had as much support as I needed to see me along in my treatments. I can't tell you how nice it is to go to a dr office and feel like you are among friends not just a number or an appointment, but a person! A person who's life matters and that, I think, is part of the healing process... I can't thank dr B and his staff enough for the care and encouragement I've received these past 7 mo... check out the recipes on their website too they are great!

Rachel Baker

Imagine going to place where you and your health concerns are taken seriously. Dr. Bier is so thorough with his exam that you don't need to explain what brings you there. He so amazingly skilled at his practice that you can be assured that he will provide a helpful and meaningful approach to your wellness. You immediately feel comfortable and cared for. He is eager to work with you to find the best results and truly listens to your concerns. You don't have to feel alone in your search for better health.

Adeline Saylor

I understand that most of the reviews here are fabulous, but I had a completely opposite experience. I learned the hard way to never, ever go to a natural doctor if you have mental health concerns. It does not work. I was talked over, not listened to, and convinced that all my symptoms were just a result of the "bad American lifestyle" which is a direct quote from Dr. Bier himself. He never even considered that I might have anxiety. Instead he put me on an insane diet which caused to become even more unstable and at an unhealthy low weight. He gave me hundreds of dollars worth of vitamins and tinctures and powders, all of which did nothing. When I came for a follow up he looked in my eyes, poked my stomach a little, and said he thought I was doing much better. What a f@#%ing joke. I was worse than ever. That was my last appointment, but I didn't say I wasn't coming back. I wanted to know if they would contact me for a follow up. Well, after I basically broke down with an anxiety attack in his office, I never heard another thing from them. Nothing. Never called or emailed to check in, see if I was coming back for another appointment, nothing. This is just a warning to anyone with symptoms of a mental health disorder. Do NOT go to a natural doctor unless you are positive they will take those symptoms seriously. Do not suffer needlessly at the hands of someone who will not listen or care.

Danielle Mercer

Human Nature Natural Health has changed my life in every single way! Prior to seeing Dr B I had been to many doctors including 3 different PCPs, GI specialist, Endocrinologist, and an OB GYN to figure out what was going on with my body and found no answers. I had no hopes left. I had multiple symptoms including chronic nausea, painful bloating, extreme fatigue, rashes, ovarian cysts, excessive weight gain, mental fog, and high anxiety. It has been 3 months since I first saw Dr B and I no longer have any of those symptons! I have lost 30 pounds, I have mental clarity, I feel more grounded, I feel supported and most importantly I feel at home in my body again. They were always there to answer my persistent daily calls when I felt overwhelmed or confused (shout out to Paula). Every question I had was thoroughly explained in a manner that I could understand. I truly feel cared for as an individualand I am forever grateful for everyone at HNNH.

Joanne Quinones Reed

My experience has been nothing but positive. When I looked up naturopathic doctors in my area, the Human Nature Natural Health website was the most informative and interesting. Once I made my appointment, the staff was helpful and responsive. Meeting Doctor Bier was a new experience. I started to hand him my paperwork, but he asked me to stop. He was going to tell me what I was there for. He examined me, and sure enough, his diagnosis was right on point. He gave me all the time I needed to ask questions and answer them. His recommendations were doable and reasonable. The supplements he prescribed were all explained thoroughly, and when I couldn’t purchase all of them, the staff did not pressure me to purchase all of them. In my second visit, I was welcomed warmly and asked how I was feeling by the staff. Doctor Bier welcomed me as well, and again examined and diagnosed me. He noted my improvement and made new supplement and nutritional adjustments to reflect that. Since the second week after my visit, I have been an evangelist for this practice. I’ve told everyone I know that I’ve lost weight, am sleeping better, and have more energy. I’d recommend setting up a consultation with them at your earliest possibility. The cost is not inexpensive, but it’s worth every dollar.

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