I am an owner at this company, and don't usually entertain bad reviews, but the fact that some of these are allowed to remain is disheartening at best. One of the posters, who seems to be accompanied by his mom, was terminated for smoking pot in a company vehicle on the clock while working in Daytona after Hurricane Matthew. His mother has never had an experience with my company. Two other "employees" were not found on our payroll going back over 12 years. One of those (Washington) may have been used by the wife, who worked from Oct '14 - Dec '14 and was terminated after missing a total of 6 days in 2 months. Another 1 star further down, who left no comment, actually worked for our company twice and left without notice after the New Years holiday. Her frustration involved her disappointment of not being permitted to accept pay for her vacation without taking the days off (double pay), and that she couldn't eat at her desk. We were never given the opportunity to discuss with her. It is extremely disappointing that Google would allow kids who are seeking revenge for being fired, to leave ratings and comments to harm the business. I would hope for a quick resolution to these problems. As far as the customers, I am currently looking into those and hope to find out what went wrong. We will seek to repair if possible. We are committed to providing premier service and our pricing is strictly mandated by the insurance companies we serve. Please feel free to contact our office should you have any questions.
Darren Burychka