For the following reasons, I consider Dr. Durso the best chiropractor I have ever used, and I have been seeing chiropractors for more than 38 years.
1) He did the most thorough initial examination any chiropractor has ever done on me. He took a digital x-ray of my spine, pulled it up on his computer, and then went through it with me to educate me on the issues my spine presented.
2) Every other chiropractor I have ever seen uses a generic one-size-fits-all adjustment that does not vary from visit to visit. While the adjustment may vary between doctors, it is always the same for a given doctor. Every time I see Dr. Durso he refers to my x-ray to refresh his recollection of my personal issues. He then palpates my body/spine to see what's going on with it that day. Then, before giving me an adjustment tailored to MY body THAT DAY, to facilitate a better adjustment he first loosens up the muscles around the spine, neck and shoulders with an impact massage tool that is amazingly effective. In my experience, this is unique.
3) He helps me to take action to improve my condition and well being. For example, he noted in my initial examination that my neck had lost its normal semi-circular curve and that my head was now forward-leaning with a completely straight cervical spine. No other chiropractor has pointed this out to me and I believe this has been a long-standing issue. In my initial visit, at the end of my visit he had me lie on my back for five minutes with my neck on a Deneroll Neck Orthotic (a foam block sized to fit my body) to stretch the cervical spine backwards to help restore its normal curvature. I purchased one of these devices and have been using it regularly with remarkable results. Specifically, for longer than I can remember, I have had to make sure my side view mirror on my 2007 Honda Element is properly adjusted so that I can safely change lanes to the left because I have been unable to turn my neck far enough to see to the the rear of the driver-side door post of the car. In less than 6 weeks of treatment by Dr. Durso and my regular use of the neck orthotic he recommended, I am now able to turn my neck far enough to see past the rear of the window for the passenger's seat in back of me and can almost turn far enough to see out the rear window.
4) I was so impressed by the effectiveness of the impact massage tool Dr. Durso uses, that I bought one that he suggested I try and have had great results with it. I have a herniated disc at L5/S1 that tends to cause problems if not regularly adjusted, and tends to produce muscle trigger points from referred pain. This massage tool is great at breaking up muscle knots and trigger point. I regularly do a stretching routine for my back and my range of motions for these stretches has significantly improves with the use of this tool, as well as my general comfort level.
5) In talking with Dr. Durso it is apparent to me that he aggressively seeks out new ways of helping his patients achieve balanced health, and for this reason his practice is aptly named. He epitomizes what is best in alternative health care.