DO NOT service your car here and if you have to avoid Dan Berry at all costs. I came in with my tires out of balance and needing an alignment. This ended up costing me 1,000 dollars .. I didn’t argue because my car was shaking pretty bad so I deemed it necessary. I was told my car had a plethora of problems, unrelated to the shaking in the front so I decided not to service those other things such as my timing belt. Dan insisted i fix these things but I didn’t have the money.. so I ended up getting my car fixed and the shaking went away for about 2 days. Then a whole NEW sound started happening in the front of my car around the brand new tires I got from Volvo. I was very irritated and upset because I thought spending a 1,000 dollars on your car would eliminate problems for more than 2 days. Either way I returned to Volvo about 2 months later (I couldn’t any earlier because I go to school in Omaha) when I returned I thought my 3,000 mile warranty would cover these costs but Dan informed me they would not be doing any REPEAT work for free. Dan also tried to tell me this would happen because I didn’t service something he told me to, however I checked ALL of our messages that he sent to me that let’s you see exactly what’s wrong and the price. BUT, the messages revealed that he never said anything about it. When I called Dan Berry out on this he said “I mentioned it over the phone” which is clearly a lie because he sent me EVERYTHING I needed to know through the messages. And now he wanted me to pay another 1,000 dollars as a very low income college student. All in all I will never do service with Volvo again and I will direct anyone I know with a Volvo, Jaguar, Range Rover, etc. to never do work with them either.