just a series of facts about my experience with S.Todd today (I don't think I've ever left a Yelp review in my life, for the record, but this encounter has "inspired" me.) I made an appointment for today at 5:30pm. had a friend-emergency so I had to call and cancel at 3:30. One hour later I realized I could still make it, so I called and asked if that was cool, Sween said yeah. I asked if there was tax cuz I needed to pay in cash cuz I didn't have card with me, he said no tax, cash is fine. Got off phone and wondered if the way I phrased the question sounded like I wasn't gonna tip, cuz his tone changed after I asked. Whatever. Biked over, hit traffic, arrived and checked phone: 5:34, start to lock bike and Sween walks out door and starts to leave. "Hey, I think you're cuttin my hair," I called after him. "Nope. Late," he said without looking at me or slowing his pace. Oh. I look at my phone. 5:35 turns to 5:36. "Dude, it's 5:36" I yell to him as he reaches end of block. He shrugs and keeps walking. I admit I was late, and exactly how late I was, but is this a way to run a f**king business? I'd heard good things bout the place. Obviously I'll never go again, and gonna make sure the people who recommended it know. Maybe it will simply encourage promptness in the future. Or maybe that guy is a next-level a**hole, like if you saw a villain in a movie act that lame, you'd blame the hack writers for crafting such a one-dimensional prick. Judging from the fact that he responds so trollishly to all these Yelp reviews, I think I have my answer, but you can decide for yourself. And then go to Proper Barber, where you won't be treated like a freaking leper in the dark ages.