I fell onto my left side on the evening of October 6th of this year when a Milwaukee County Transit System bus driver slammed on the brakes suddenly. I had just gotten onto the bus and was heading back to find a seat. She was just pulling away from the stop when a woman rushed out from behind the furthest wall of the shelter and waved her crutch to get the driver to stop. It was probably a reflexive action on the part of the driver but totally unnecessary. She wouldn't have hit the crutch and she could have stopped across the street (this took place on a westbound #21 bus at the North Avenue & Prospect intersection across from Whole Foods).
The problem is that I broke my left shoulder last May 3rd and had my most recent physical therapy session only 3 days before. My left elbow was also injured in incident. So the next day I called Gruber Law to see what kind of I action I could take. They said that they didn't handle municipal cases are referred me to Speaking Law which does. What a joke. The lawyer who took my call figured that his time was not worth the amount he could get from MCTS. He didn't even let me give all the details. What a joke. If you are asking for a lot of money, they'll take you. Otherwise, find another competent attorney. And I wasn't. Since I am retired, I didn't lose much income, although I was on my way to take videos for Associated Press which pays little but helps supplement my disability income. All I wanted was a little something for unnecessary pain and suffering.
Damn ambulance chasers!