DO NOT WASTE YOUR MONEY OR YOUR TIME!!!!!!!!!!! Warning, those few five star reviews are most like the few people who got paid.
What happens when you want justice and not money for your child? I'll tell you right now. Nothing because prejudice and racism within the DOE isn't actually worth fighting for even with three years of evidence when it comes to the law office of Rosenburg.
What a joke. Honestly they should give you few negative stars as an option.
If there's parents who are actually spending money to hire these people to give you the some information you can get for free, I'm sorry your that desperate.
I read the reviews before going and wasn't expecting much. I was more surprised by the review that people actually have to beg, LOL. I guess that's what Mrs.Rosenburg wanted from me. Sorry I'm not begging anyone to fight for justice, I rather do it myself.
After sitting down for only ten minutes tops Mr. Rosenburg. His first suggestion was to just move my son out of the school. He said the DOE will move him. Mind you, I already know this. It was free information I received way before seeking Mr. Rosenburgs advice.
Of course I could move my son but what about the teachers that use the N word to address the only student of color in the class? What about the teacher that allows White students to use images they drew themselves of Black Face as a joke to hand out to students of color? What about when the school staff ignores protocol and calls six police on a six year old. A six year old who's grandfather was killed by police brutality. Again I could move my son but honestly my son is doing very well in school and has made friends with a few of the children in the community from attending the school that is two blocks from our house. The community where we live is majority White and White Supremacy is alive and well here in Gerritsen Beach here in Brooklyn. So he's only been truly been able to play freely with other kids in our community. When I take my son to the park, they most of the other parents don't allow their kids to play with our son. These are the same kids he plays with in the school.
So Mr. Rosenburg answer to problems that actually deal with the DOE, was to allow the DOE to transfer my son to another public school, knowing that I know that the DOE doesn't hold their teachers or staff accountable for prejudice behavior.
I understand Mr. Rosenburg title maybe Educational attorney and over the years he has been able to move kids to different schools. Keeping both him and the DOE in well employed and in the safe zone.
As far as I'm concerned if your not holding people accountable for their actions as an attorney your part of the problem.
But attorneys like Mr. Rosenburg are safe in their white privileged world, and feel Blacks should be segregated into special education and schools in their own populated communities and he's willing to help the system do that.
Because White and a lot of Jewish people don't mind working with people of color or having people of color working for them. As soon as they feel less intelligent or lack the intellectual skills to comprehend the truth. They get mad and they get mad quick.
Bottom line is, DO NOT WASTE YOUR MONEY OR YOUR TIME!!!!!!!!!!! You'll find more helpful info from Google or just ask Siri.
Better yet call the AFC ( Advocates For Children of NYC) Honestly they've been so amazing over the last couple of day.
In less then 24 hours the AFC has helped me schedule meeting with all my state representatives, who actually want to address the protocols that are being abused. Because honestly it's not about money it's about change. The DOE is diagnosing children with IEP's that don't need IEP's. The student's that do the IEP's aren't getting the right treatment plan because the DOE doesn't know how to vet their staff or they choose to ignore the truth.
I'll say it one more time, especially for my people of color, please don't waste your time. I don't care how many people of color you see working for him, it's all an illusion.