My step-son got into some trouble due to driving without a license. I called Nicholas Howie to try and see what he could do to help avoid a one-year loss of license ordered by the state. Mr. Howie really took the time necessary to understand our case and my step-son’s situation as a recovering addict. Mr. Howie’s price to help resolve the case was also very reasonable despite the complicated issues. At one point, due to these issues, the state was unwilling to budge on the loss of license. This was a horrifying situation as my step-son was finally making progress against his addiction and losing his license would not only cause him to lose his job but he would be unable to make his clinic appointments that are necessary to fight his addiction. This was a life threatening issue and the state could care less. This is when Mr. Howie got creative. Despite the harsh push back from the prosecutor and without changing his price Mr. Howie continued to negotiate over several weeks and finally, with my step-son’s approval of the terms, came to a solution that was accepted by the state. Negotiating terms aren’t always pretty but the end result was my step-son kept his license, kept his job, and continues to make his clinic appointments every day. I’m convinced that due to Mr. Howie’s experience and relentless effort not to give up, when I know at several times he could have, that my step-son now has a second chance that has likely saved his life, thanks to Mr. Howie.